Give your unknown product more visibility by Selling on where it will be accessed by millions of loyal customers, resellers and investors looking for first access to the latest new product to buy, try and promote ... or just to be the first to tell to their friends about it!

People can't search for something if they don't know it exists! You can't make it known if advertising is too expensive! Yes, we know because we have been where you are ... we are inventors supporting fellow inventors. We can also help find manufacturers for your product and get your products made!

This platform is reserved for manufactured products that have not yet taken off and all products are open to investor proposals and licensing due to their untapped potential.

Entrepreneur, inventor, business owner, maker or marketer, your product does not have to be new, it simply has to be unknown to the masses to be accepted.

There is just one selling plan which is 33% cheaper than selling on Sears, Amazon or eBay.

Just Click Here to sign up by e-mail and submit: see online samples

1.A clear picture of the product

2.Two call-to-action sentences to-buy/describing the product

3.A 20 second demonstration video of the product

4.Price breaks for buying 1, 2 and 4 etc. with S$H and Taxes Included

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Entrepreneurial Community Services